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Every year over 50 million tyres are supplied in the UK. The majority of used tyres are presently recovered.  However, every year several million used tyres remain unaccounted for and over 14,000 incidents of fly tipping involving used tyres are reported in England alone.  Unfortunately, illegal operations and criminality are widely recognised in the sector.  The full potential of the industry’s voluntary compliance scheme has been frustrated by regulatory loopholes and the challenges of effective enforcement.

The capture of 100% of used tyres into compliant recovery routes would maximise the opportunity for improved recovery outcomes and curtail waste crime.

A renewed model for used tyre recovery is needed:

  • Making it easier for holders of waste to do the right thing
  • Enabling full capture of used tyres into compliant recovery
  • Delivering improved environmental outcomes
  • Increasing compliance and traceability, and reducing waste crime.

BTMA members welcome government’s plans for mandatory digital waste tracking and reform of the Carrier / Dealer / Broker registration regime and the exemptions to waste regulations regime.

Defra has committed in the Resources and Waste Strategy to consulting on adopting Extended Producer Responsibility for tyres in the UK.  BTMA members look forward to engaging constructively with government and other stakeholders in exploring this alternative approach to resource management.


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