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BTMA members are pursuing the use of recycled, recovered and bio-sourced materials in new tyres without loss of functional performance.

Several major manufacturers have committed to producing tyres from 100% sustainable raw materials by 2050.

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Tyre Care

Tyre neglect is widespread: 17% of MOT test failures are tyre-related. Improved tyre stewardship would bring significant improvement to both the environmental impact of mobility and road safety.

Surveys show repeatedly that 25% of vehicles have at least one tyre 25% under-inflated. Over 600,000 tyres and 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 are wasted in the UK every year due to tyre under-inflation.


Retreading gives a whole new life to suitable used tyres.  Retreaded tyres are safe: 4 out of 5 civil aircraft fly on them.  International regulation ensures that retreaded tyres meet the same safety standards as new tyres.

Using retreaded truck and bus tyres delivers three times the resource efficiency and consumes four times fewer tyres than using low-cost single-life tyres.  All at the same overall tyre cost per mile.

Tyres and the Environment

As consumers, we are increasingly aware of the impact of our lifestyle choices on the environment.  BTMA members have a longstanding commitment to harnessing the power of innovation and scientific research to reduce the environmental impact of mobility and to increase its sustainability.

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